Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Reader’s Journal # 3
Dear Mrs. Zrihen,
I just finished reading Payback by Paul Langan.  I pick this book because it was the second part of The Bully, and I really liked the book The bully.  The genre of this book is realistic fiction because it’s not real but could happen.  The antagonist is Tyray Hobbs, the bully.  The protagonist is Darrel Mercer, the one getting bullied by Tyray.  And the supporting characters are Ms. Spencer (the school principal),  Rodney Banks (Tyray’s friend), Amberlynn Bailey (a girl Darrel likes), Lark Collins (a freshmen Tyray thought was cute), Harrold Davis (Darrel’s closest friend), Mr. Fitch (the history teacher), Kendra Wilson (a girl who used to like Tyray), Bones (a guy that used to hang out with Warren), Eddie Bryson and Len Stanley (met Tyray in middle school), Jaime Wills (Amberlynn’s friend), and Jupiter (the guy that sold the gun to Tyray).  This took place in California, during school in the morning and afternoon.  It was sunny and then at the end it was raining.  The conflict is that Tyray sees only one solution to his problem which is buying a gun to point in at Darrel.  He wants to do this because Darrel grabbed him and lifted him and then slammed him on the ground and Tyray landed on his left wrist and broke it.  The problem is internal and it is character vs. character.  I think the author felt bad for Tyray when everyone didn’t talk to him and said mean things like “I guess you’re not a big guy anymore, the must have shrunk!”  I felt happy when no one talked to Tyray cause that’s how Darrel felt before he slammed Tyray into the ground.  The theme is don’t do something to someone if you don’t want someone to do to you.  The moral is what ever goes around comes back.  The author’s point of view is first person.  The pattern of organization is cause  and effect.  The author’s purpose of writing this book is to entertain. 
First, Darrel breaks Tyray’s wrist and gets Tyray angry.  Then he decides to bring a gun.  He started spreading rumors about it.  And Ms. Spencer asked him if it was true that he had a gun.  Then he she Darrel on the street and starts to walk towards him but before he got to him he fell on his knees and shot the sky because Darrel saw him aim for himself and screamed no.  I can tell Tyray was surprised when he knew Darrel cared about him.  Then they walked home.
Two strategies I used while reading were skim and scanning, asking questions and predicting what was Tyray’s only solution.  Two strategies I used while reading were thinking if any of my questions were answered and summarizing every time before going to sleep.  Two strategies I used after reading were answering my questions and writing a reader’s journal. 
I would rate this book a 9, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.  I rated this book 9 and not 10 cause I sometimes got bored, but like two times only.
                                                                                    Your favorite student Erika Alban


  1. Dear Erica,
    This book sounds very interesting, but I would like to ask you a few quuestions like...
    How do they become friends after Tyray's wrist gets broken by Darrel?
    How can this be related to real life?
    Is this a book you would reccommend to bullies?
    Do you think this book is good for educational reasonss?
    What would you do in Darrel's position?
    Did you not understand any words?
    Did anyone tell you about this book?
    What would you do if this was happening to everyone in school?
    Please write back, Eden Levy

  2. Dear Erica,
    This is a great readers journal. I would like to ask you some questions. Who would you recommend this book to? How did you find out about it? Can you relate this to real life? Would have solved the problem different then the book did? did you not know any words?

    -Gabriella :)

  3. Dear Erika,

    First great RJ! I really explained the book.
    I have some questions for you:
    Could you relate to Darrel's sittuation?
    Did using those strategies really help you?
    Did you like the ending?
    Was there figurative language?
    Did you enjoy reading the book?


  4. Dear Shianne, What strategies are you talking about?  I couldn't find figurative language.  But I did like the ending when Tyray changed.  I also enjoyed reading this book.Dear Gabriella,I would recommend this book to anyone.  I found out about it because in the fron of the book there is a page where there is a list of books by the same author.  Yes I can relate this to real life because people actually get bullied.  If I could of solved the problem I would of solved it by going to a different school.  I didn't understand some words.Dear Eden, Tyray and Darrel become friends because Darrel wanted to make peace and not have enemies and since Tyray changed he forgave him.  Yes I can relate this to real life because people actually get bullied.  Yes I would recommend this book to Bullies!!!  If I was in Darrel's position I would do the same thing and fight back.  No I haven't told anyone about this book yet.  I didn't understand some words.  And if this was happening to everyone in the school I would move to a different school.Sincerely, Erika Alban

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